

Notice – Suspension of the recreational boating teaching

Under exceptional and temporary measures relating to the epidemiological situation caused by the new Coronavirus - COVID 19 - and taking into account the provisions of Decree Law No. 10-A/2020, dated 13 March 2020, the Ministry of the Sea has adopted a set of measures concerning Recreational Boating:

Through Order of the Minister of the Sea, dated 17 March 2020, the face-to-face training is suspended, both theoretical and practical training, given by the training entities for Recreational Sailors, provided for in the provisions of Article 43 of Decree-Law nº 93/ 2018, dated 13 November 2018.

Theoretical and practical examinations for access to obtaining recreational sailor licenses, carried out under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM), pursuant to Articles 35 and 44 of the same Decree Law, are also suspended.

The possibility of distance training is maintained, provided that it is possible and the conditions for such purposes are met, and it requires prior authorization.

The maintenance of these exceptional measures will be evaluated every two weeks by the DGRM, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

It must be remembered that the Recreational Craft can only sail under the command of those holding a recreational sailor license and, inter alia, they must have had mandatory training for the desired category and have successfully passed the exam.

By suspending this non-essential activity, the Ministry of the Sea intends to contribute to the maximization of social distance as a measure especially used to protect the population. It is a measure that aims to comply with the guidelines of the Health Authorities to minimize the spread of COVID-19, but that at the same time ensures the essential safety requirements of the navigation.