Producer registration document

Producer registration document

To the producers responsible for the capture (hook boats (ocean waters) and cocklesh (estuary)), harvesting (ANI) and production in marine culture establishments (aquaculture farmers).

Producers responsible for catching (hook and cockle vessels), harvesting (ANI) and production in marine culture establishments (aquaculture farmers), must be registered with the DGRM with the respective authorizations or licenses duly valid.

Entry into Bmar, with registration in the reserved area, and request for the issuance of the producer's registration document. Being able to consult the procedures manual of the producer document.

In case the producer sends the species directly (live bivalve molluscs, gastropods, tunicates and echinoderms) to a destination establishment outside national territory, the producer registration document must also be issued in the language where the destination establishment is located. of the product, using the model that is available in the reserved area of BMar.

Free of charge, when issued by the producer.