Fishing Zones

These rules concern the exercise of recreational fishing in oceanic waters of the sub-area of the continent's exclusive economic zone, inland maritime waters and inland non-maritime waters under the jurisdiction of the maritime authority.

The regulation of freshwaters fishing is the responsibility of the ICNF - Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests)

The exercise of recreational fishing in classified areas is conditioned by the management plans and the regulations applicable in each protected area, consultable in To be noted, due to their relevance, the restrictions on recreational fishing in the Reserva Natural das Berengas (Natural Reserve of Berlengas), Parque Marinho Luís Saldanha (Luís Saldanha Marine Park), Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina (Natural Park of Southwest Alentejano and of Vicentina Coast) and Parque Litoral Norte (Park of North Coast).

Areas and periods in which fishing is prohibited

(See Articles 8 and 9 of Ordinance No. 14/2014 of 23 January)

Recreational fishing is prohibited at the following places:

  • In delimited areas of maritime construction and repair shipyards and aquaculture establishments, except in the latter when formally authorized by the concessionaire or owner
  • Less than 100 m from the mouth of any sewage provided that it is properly marked
  • In the water plans linked to bathing concessions, in accordance with the provisions of the respective Coastal Development Plans
  • In other areas that may be limited and duly indicated by the port or maritime authority.

These restrictions are to be disclosed by signs indicating “No fishing” or “No fishing less than 100 m” by the entities responsible for the administration of the concerned areas.

Other prohibitions may be decreed by the competent authorities, namely by the sanitary authority, whose publicity is made by public notice to be affixed by the port captaincy.

Underwater fishing and boat fishing shall be prohibited in navigating channels in access bars to ports and river mouths, in access channels, approach channels and narrow channels in ports, and in marked channels.

Underwater fishing is also prohibited in the period from sunset to sunrise.

Between 1st October and 30th May, the exercise of boat fishing on the marine areas included in the Southwest Alentejano and the Natural Park of Southwest Alentejano and Vicentina Coast, Luís Saldanha Marine Park, Natural Park of North Coast and the Natural Reserve of Berlengas is authorized from Thursday to Monday and public holidays. These restrictions do not apply between 1st June and 30th September. These restrictions do not apply to catch fishing, to boat fishing organised by maritime-tourist operators, nor to underwater fishing,

Recreational fishing is also prohibited in areas designated as:

  • Ilha do Pessegueiro
  • Cabo Sardão
  • Arrifana
  • Ilhotes do Martinhal

and in a marine protection area of 100 meter around each of the following islets:

  • Pedra da Agulha
  • Pedra da Galé
  • Pedra das Gaivotas
  • Pedra do Gigante.